1 August 2016

#82, Painted, Cygnar, Lieutenant Allison Jakes (Tactics Kickstarter)

Warmachine, Cygnar, Lieutenant Allison Jakes 



Here is my painting of the Warmachine Tactics, Bonus Model Lieutenant Allison Jakes. My mate gave me this model as an addition to my army, he picked her up as part of the kickstarter. I wasn't overly fond of this model when I first saw the model. Shes really small and quite fiddly.

What I did


There wasn't too many bits for this model, I clipped and cleaned it up. I left the arms off for painting which was a positive as the arms cover the body to large extent.


  1. Prime: Black (Vallejo Primer, Black)
  2. Dry brush: Grey (Vallejo Game Color,  Sombre Grey)
  3. Dry brush: Grey (Reaper, Concrete Grey)
  4. Dry brush: White (P3 Menoth White Highlight
  1. Prime: Vallejo Primer White
  2. Armour: Blue (P3, Cygnar Base Blue)
  3. Armour Highlight: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
  4. Armour Dry brush/highlight: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  5. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Silver (Army Painter, Gun Metal)
  6. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Gold (Army Painter, Greedy Gold)
  7. Metal Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  8. Armour Ink: Blue (Army Painter, Ink Blue)
  9. Hair: Red (P3, Murderous Magenta)
  10. Hair Ink: Red (Army Painter Ink, Red)
  11. Hair Highlight: Red (Reaper, Brilliant Red)
  12. Leather: Brown (P3, Blood Stone)
  13. Leather Highlight: Brown (P3, Ruckstack Tan)
  14. Skin: Skin (Reaper, Caucasian Flesh)
  15. Skin Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  16. Front Facing Arc: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)


While I feel disappointed in my outcome I didn't give up and kept working on the model till I didnt hate it. I really dont enjoy those small models and I guess Im going to have to work on my skills in the future.


24 July 2016

#81 Painted, Warmachine, Cygnar, Charger

Warmachine, Cygnar, Charger


I didn't really enjoy the painting overly as the model chassis is largely just the same one as the lancer and firefly. I did however enjoy a 3rd chance at getting those lines a little bit cleaner than the last two times.

 Other than that I really really enjoy playing this guy on the battlefield.

What I did

Whats in the Box?

  • 1x Charger Model
  • 1x Medium Base
  • 1x Stat Card (definitely not the latest one).
 At this point I'm going to have a whinge about the lack of a latest stat card in the box, Whinge whinge whinge, If you are going to upgrade a game, If you are going to go to all that trouble how about you ship out some singles for the people buying the boxes.


I went for the ever popular wall filler plus drybrushing method of basing.

In this case it was:
  1. Prime: Black (Vallejo Primer, Black)
  2. Dry Brush 1: Grey (Vallejo Game Color, Sombre Grey)
  3. Dry Brush 2: Grey (Reaper, Concrete Grey)
  4. Dry Brush 3: White (P3, Menoth White Highlight)


Overall there wasnt really any suprises with the model, the chassis is the same as the lancer and the firefly and the hammer arm is the same as the Ironclad's Quake Hammer arm. the gun is in 2 bit and very simple to get together.

I used a hobby knife to clean off any gates and then try and clean down any mold lines that I found.


Here are the paints I used:
  1. Prime: Vallejo Primer White
  2. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Base Blue)
  3. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
  4. Armour Dry brush/highlight: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  5. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Silver (Army Painter, Gun Metal)
  6. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Gold (Army Painter, Greedy Gold)
  7. Metal Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  8. Armour Ink: Blue (Army Painter, Ink Blue)
  9. Front Facing Arc: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)


Overall I was happy with this guy, I think he could have done with a little more with the contrast but he did look the bit in his blue Armour.

17 July 2016

#80 Painted, Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Lancer

Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Lancer


All I really wanted to paint on this model was the emblem, I wanted to get it right, I wanted it to be awesome. I read over the material from the Cygnar guide from the battlegroup box and decided to try and follow the instructions, I haven't really done too much blending in the past deliberately at least, I have accidentally done it and then wondered how to achieve it again.


Step By Step

  1. Prime: Black (Vallejo Primer, Black)
  2. Dry brush: Grey (Vallejo Game Color,  Sombre Grey)
  3. Dry brush: Grey (Reaper, Concrete Grey)
  4. Dry brush: White (P3 Menoth White Highlight
  1. Prime: Vallejo Primer White
  2. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Base Blue)
  3. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
  4. Armour Dry brush/highlight: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  5. Electric Nodes: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  6. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Silver (Army Painter, Gun Metal)
  7. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Gold (Army Painter, Greedy Gold)
  8. Metal Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  9. Armour Ink: Blue (Army Painter, Ink Blue)
  10. Front Facing Arc: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
  1. Layer 1: Brown (P3, Bloodstone)
  2. Layer 2: Orange (P3, Heartfire)
  3. Layer 3: Yellow (P3, Cygnus Yellow)
  4. Layer 4: White (P3, Menoth White Highlight)


Well here I am a person who somehow managed to paint the emblem I think I will always claim this one as a win. Otherwise the model is a little dark and could use with a little more contrast.

#81 Painted, Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Ironclad

Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Ironclad


The last of the models for the Cygnar Battlegroup. I really wanted to give this guy a good go and I tried to get the the model to have a little more contrast. The model itself is kinda simple its essentially a jack with a hammer and not too much else to it. To get this right I had to pick out every little detail with the silver or gold and make it stand out.


Step By Step

  1. Prime: Black (Vallejo Primer, Black)
  2. Dry brush: Grey (Vallejo Game Color,  Sombre Grey)
  3. Dry brush: Grey (Reaper, Concrete Grey)
  4. Dry brush: White (P3 Menoth White Highlight
  1. Prime: Vallejo Primer White
  2. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Base Blue)
  3. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
  4. Armour Dry brush/highlight: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  5. Shoulder Pads: Dark Blue (Citadel, Stegadon Scale Green)
  6. Electric Nodes: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  7. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Silver (Army Painter, Gun Metal)
  8. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Gold (Army Painter, Greedy Gold)
  9. Metal Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  10. Armour Ink: Blue (Army Painter, Ink Blue)
  11. Front Facing Arc: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
While I am happy with the model I am not happy with the brightness of the model. I think I may work on the colour a little more, one thing I have always found difficult is when I take a photo the model can look really good while on the shelf unlit it will look overly dark. I don't know how to fix that at the moment but it is always something to work on.

#79 Painted, Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Firefly

Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Firefly


My second model in the Cynar box was the this guy the firefly. I was a little scared of the gun to be honest. It looked complicated, I wasn't sure of the effect I was going to use I knew I wanted something like the box but I had no idea how to achieve it.


Step By Step 

  1. Prime: Black (Vallejo Primer, Black)
  2. Dry brush: Grey (Vallejo Game Color,  Sombre Grey)
  3. Dry brush: Grey (Reaper, Concrete Grey)
  4. Dry brush: White (P3 Menoth White Highlight
  1. Prime: Vallejo Primer White
  2. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Base Blue)
  3. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
  4. Armour Dry brush/highlight: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  5. Electric Nodes: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  6. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Silver (Army Painter, Gun Metal)
  7. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Gold (Army Painter, Greedy Gold)
  8. Metal Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  9. Armour Ink: Blue (Army Painter, Ink Blue)
  10. Front Facing Arc: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)


I feel like I've done alright with the gun arm on the Firefly, It was always going to be a little strange and I definitely didn't have a idea of how to do it. But and its a good but, I've managed to pull one out of the bag and create a model I don't hate. I don't think the inking worked too well on the Armour I think for further models I will fully ink then dry brush them back up again. 

#78 Painted, Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Major Beth Maddox

Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016, Major Beth Maddox


The first of my paint's for the Cygnar box I really just dove in.and swum around. If anything I was worried, All these small models with fiddly features remind me of painting infinity and honestly I didn't have a good time with infinity.

I took the starting point of trying to just do the basics, blues, golds and silvers and the rest up to chance.


Step By Step

  1. Prime: Black (Vallejo Primer, Black)
  2. Dry brush: Grey (Vallejo Game Color,  Sombre Grey)
  3. Dry brush: Grey (Reaper, Concrete Grey)
  4. Dry brush: White (P3 Menoth White Highlight
  1. Prime: Vallejo Primer White
  2. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Base Blue)
  3. Armour Air brush: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)
  4. Armour Dry brush/highlight: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  5. Electric Nodes: Light Blue (P3, Arcane Blue)
  6. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Silver (Army Painter, Gun Metal)
  7. Amour Highlights/Metal Sections: Gold (Army Painter, Greedy Gold)
  8. Metal Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  9. Armour Ink: Blue (Army Painter, Ink Blue)
  10. Hair: Yellow (Reaper, Saffron Yellow)
  11. Leather: Brown (P3, Blood Stone)
  12. Leather Highlight: Brown (P3, Ruckstack Tan)
  13. Skin: Skin (Reaper, Caucasian Flesh)
  14. Skin Ink: Black (Army Painter Ink, Dark Tone)
  15. Front Facing Arc: Blue (P3, Cygnar Blue Highlight)


As you can see from the video I didnt have a heap of trouble with this model and it turned out not terrible to boot. I think the colour scheme is really strong, I like the two tone approach to the leather I think it really worked over just inking. I don't really like what I did with the hair, I think it could have been a little blonder but overall I'll accept the outcome.


15 July 2016

#77 Assembly, Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016

Warmachine, Cygnar Battlegroup 2016


I have been really busy with getting ready for the journeyman league, so I am now finally getting back to the videos.

This video covers off my process of getting the models ready for painting. The steps were fairly normal but there were a few little gotchas in there.

Assembly Video


The first step in any assembly is cleaning up the model in this case, I had to remove gate joins and there was a little bit of flash lines on the model. I used the clippers and hobby knife to  clean them down.

The gates were not particularly great, some were located on some high detail areas and need cleaning off. During the process I found it reasonably hard to get the model cleaned up to a resonable standard.

The restic itself was rather rough, I think it was related predominantly to whatever release agent they use for the model. So in my opinion they need to be given a wash, I also think if the bath is a little warm the restic seems to a little smoother too.

Over all I would recommend dry fitting everything with these models, sometimes an ill fitting join can be cleaned up by trimming down the join dimple or giving it a file.


Major Beth Maddox
The only really strange join on the model is head join it really didn't sit very nicely for me. I trimmed down the peg multiple times to try and get it cleanly in place.

The firefly and the lancer both share the same basic layout, for both models I would recommend dry fitting each part.

Most of the model was fairly easy to put together, a few of the parts are self explanatory, there are a few bits that are small and unusual but if you dry fit you should be fine.

This guy is fairly easy but to get a nice fit on the wrists I would recommend making sure of the angles once the arms are aligned on the torso.


I gave my cobblestone method another try.

I first put a reasonable thick layer of wall filler on to the base, this is then carved using a the flat plastic spatula provided with the filler.

Once dry I then sand with a heavy grit sand paper to create a rough rocky surface on the top of the filler. This combination is great for a quick simple base that can be quickly dry-brushed.


Overall, I dont like the restic, I really wish Privateer Press had gone with hard plastics. Once I stop whinging about that I dont mind the models. They look nice and I really cant wait to paint them up.
